NUMEROLOGY: Numerology is the practice of making use of numbers to discover the fundamental single digit vibration for just about something or any person. This is often a fantastic method to reveal your destiny, desires, best abilities, and much more. You can even find out your numerology compatibility with another individual. All it requires is often a little comparison among your personal vibrations.
I. Postal - You can do it at home. Institute will send you a Study bank (books, charts, notes, instrument etc.).
II. Online - You can do this course on the internet/Online also. We can provide you the study material/lessons on your Screen, Software ID & you can clear your software operating-related doubts via email or WhatsApp
Two Months (The whole process will be done within two months)
Rs. 4500 (For India) or $ 100 (For Foreign). Correspondence (Distance Learning). Local training charges will be extra.
Institute will send you a Study bank (books, charts, notes, instrument etc.).
Workshop - Classes of special workshop, theory & practical with study material kit. (3 Days, Daily 3 Hours = Total 9 Hr.)
Center - Classes at Institute or authorized local centers. ( 9 Hr.)
Online - Classes by Acupressure guru Software & Zoom App. (5 Days, Daily 2 Hours = Total 10 Hr)
One month (The whole process will be done within one month)
Rs. 7500 (For India) or $ 180 (For Foreign). Regular.