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K625 KSTAR Jimmy Metal – Golden Economy

Weight  -  0.020 kg
Dimensions  -  10 × 1 cm

As low as ₹ 60


Having located the point, you must press the diagnostic stick against it hard enough (you can use any tool provided it is not sharp: a match, a ball pen, and even your finger nail). After the pain subsides under the stick, you can continue the massage of the point by rotating the stick clockwise and anticlockwise, while pressing over the point somewhat harder. The treatment point must be fully massaged out till residual pain disappears and gets replaced with a feeling of warmth in it.

At this phase the treatment may be discontinued because acute illness symptoms might all go away. lf you have located several points of acute pain in the correspondence area, you must treat each of them one by one using the method described above.

A chronic disease would require more than one session. Correctly identified points must be massaged with force for 3 to 5 minutes every 3 or 4 hours, till the condition improves. Repeated massage of the correspondence areas improves your condition, sometimes very rapidly. Your efforts will not be in vain: you will soon feel a wonderful change in your health.


Hold The Probe Perpendicular To The Point Where The Pressure Is To Be Given.

1. Initially stimulate the point with min. Pressure 0-30 sec., then lift the probe and again put it back on the same point with more intensity of pressure what patient can bear not what you ( therapist) can apply 0-30 sec.
2. Initially stimulate the point with min. Pressure 0-30 sec., then without lifting the probe on the same point increase the intensity of pressure 0-30 sec. Than again without lifting the probe stimulate the point with max. Intensity of pressure what patient can bear not what you (therapist) can apply 0-30 sec.
3. Initially stimulate the point with min. Pressure 0-30 sec., then lift the probe and again put it back on the same point with max. Intensity of pressure 0-30 sec. And massage the point in clockwise & than anti- clockwise direction 0-30 sec (99)


By probe (or anything with a rounded end with a diameter approximately 2 mm) press on the conformity zone of organs on a palm as much as you can bear the pain. It is necessary to note, that at the initial search of points, pressing should not be too strong because it may appear that all points are painful. Searching for the necessary points it is important to increase the pressure gradually. The points which are more sensitive to pain at the same level of pressure should be chosen as the conformity points for treatment.

Here is a brief description of influence methods on the points of conformity (correspondence).


For special Su-Jok points of your finger. Use it in su-jok treatment. An essential tool for Sujok Therapist and Acupressurist.
INDICATIONS: Improves digestion system, stimulates blood circulation & total health. It is made up of stainless steel & brass.


JIMMY & DIAGNOSTIC PROBE: A jimmy helps to search for the curative point of correspondence & for their stimulation with help of acupressure. After correct finding the points with the jimmy. They should be massaged strongly enough to provide the affected area with the necessary amount of curative waves. As massage proceeds the pain in the point will decrease & get replaced with a sensation of warmth & the condition of the point with help of others like- Ring, Thumb pad & fix seeds.

A simple metallic stick of approximately 13 cm length with attachments. a jimmy helps to search for the curative point of correspondence and for their stimulation with help of acupressure. After correct finding the points with the jimmy.


Jeny Doe

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen.

Linda Morgus

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen.

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